Gummy Drop Wiki!

Sweetheart Island is the 12th special city in Gummy Drop! during Valentine's Day 2018 for a limited time of 13 days.

The event was revived on February 8, 2019 for a limited time of 9 days, and revived for a third visit on February 6, 2022 for a limited time of 9 days.

The event was revived on February 8, 2024 for a limited time of twelve days. The game was extended, without the Sweetheart Backpack feature, on February 22, 2024 for a further 12 days.

The stamp symbol in this event city is heart and arrow.


You arrived in Sweetheart Island from a paper boat to rebuild the monuments.
After you rebuilt all the monuments, you will leave by a paper airplane.


Welcome to Sweetheart Island! It will be sweet victory if you complete these goals:
  • Gather the Valentine's Day gifts!
  • Collect all the gummies!

Souvenir symbols[]

  • Sweetheart Island Souvenir1Diamond ring
  • Sweetheart Island Souvenir2Hearts


Sweetheart Backpack (2022, 2024)[]

Start new levels with boosts when you have a winning streak of consecutive levels by filling your sweetheart backpack with boosts! Main levels completed contribute to a winning streak. The streak is reset to zero if a level is not completed successfully. The boosts will automatically be played at every main level played as an Intern until the streak is lost.


Rewards in 2018 debut[]

Achievement Image Reward Passport Stamp
Build all monuments GummyDrop BuiltAllMonuments Coin x200
Shovel x6
LightningBolt x4
ExtraTime x3
Sweetheart Island PassportStamp
Intern: Complete all level 1 Passport Intern Box Sweetheart Island PassportStamp Intern(2018)
Architect: Complete all level 2 Passport Architect Box Placeholder PassportStampRound
Master Builder: Complete all level 3 Passport MasterBuilder Placeholder PassportStampRound
Build 100% of city Passport CityComplete Box Sweetheart Island PassportStamp Complete(2018)

Rewards in 2019 revival[]

Achievement Image Reward Passport Stamp
Build all monuments GummyDrop BuiltAllMonuments Sweetheart Island PassportStamp
Intern: Complete all level 1 Passport Intern Box Sweetheart Island PassportStamp Intern(2019)
Architect: Complete all level 2 Passport Architect Box Sweetheart Island PassportStamp Architect(2019)
Master Builder: Complete all level 3 Passport MasterBuilder Placeholder PassportStampRound
Build 100% of city Passport CityComplete Box Placeholder PassportStampRound

Rewards in 2022 revival[]

Achievement Image Reward Passport Stamp
Build all monuments GummyDrop BuiltAllMonuments Coinx100


Sweetheart Island PassportStamp
Intern: Complete all level 1 Passport Intern Box Combox1
Sweetheart Island PassportStamp Intern(2022)
Architect: Complete all level 2 Passport Architect Box Kitex1
Sweetheart Island PassportStamp Architect(2022)
Master Builder: Complete all level 3 Passport MasterBuilder Quakex1
Sweetheart Island PassportStamp Master(2022)
Build 100% of city Passport CityComplete Box LineCrushx1
Sweetheart Island PassportStamp Complete(2022)

Rewards in 2024 revival[]

Achievement Image Reward Passport Stamp
Build all monuments GummyDrop BuiltAllMonuments Coinx200
Sweetheart Island PassportStamp
Intern: Complete all level 1 Passport Intern Box Coinx50
Sweetheart Island PassportStamp Intern(2024)
Architect: Complete all level 2 Passport Architect Box Placeholder PassportStampRound
Master Builder: Complete all level 3 Passport MasterBuilder Placeholder PassportStampRound
Build 100% of city Passport CityComplete Box Placeholder PassportStampRound


This city contains 56 levels, consisting of 40 normal levels, 12 side-levels, and 4 Helping Hand levels.

# Monument Levels Requirement Image
Bricks Hats Pink Gems
1 Perfume Shop 1-10 100,000 - -
Sweetheart Island Stamp01
Famed perfumer Jean Carles is said to have insured his nose for one million dollars. The insurance company clearly caught a whiff of a good deal.
2 Chocolate Shop 11-20 300,000 250,000 -
Sweetheart Island Stamp02
Legend has it that Ruth Wakefield, the inventor of the chocolate chip cookie, sold her recipe in exchange for a lifetime supply of chocolate. Sounds like a pretty sweet trade!
3 Rose Garden 21-30 400,000 390,000 250,000
Sweetheart Island Stamp03
George Washington wasn't only the first President of the United States, he was also the country's first rose breeder. The sentimental politician even named a variety after his mother - the Mary Washington Rose.
4 Jewelry Store 31-40 490,000 500,000 410,000
Sweetheart Island Stamp04
The first known use of a diamond engagement ring took place in 1477 when Archduke Maximillian of Austria gave Mary of Burgundy a gold ring featuring an M spelled out in diamonds. No one knows, however, if the M stood for Mary or for Maximillian.

Levels (2022, 2024)[]

This city contains 56 levels, consisting of 40 normal levels, 12 side-levels, and 4 Helping Hand levels.

# Monument Levels Requirement Image
Bricks Hats Pink Gems
1 Perfume Shop 1-10 100,000 - -
Sweetheart Island Stamp01
Famed perfumer Jean Carles is said to have insured his nose for one million dollars. The insurance company clearly caught a whiff of a good deal.
2 Chocolate Shop 11-20 300,000 250,000 -
Sweetheart Island Stamp02
Legend has it that Ruth Wakefield, the inventor of the chocolate chip cookie, sold her recipe in exchange for a lifetime supply of chocolate. Sounds like a pretty sweet trade!
3 Rose Garden 21-30 400,000 390,000 250,000
Sweetheart Island Stamp03
George Washington wasn't only the first President of the United States, he was also the country's first rose breeder. The sentimental politician even named a variety after his mother - the Mary Washington Rose.
4 Jewelry Store 31-40 560,000 570,000 530,000
Sweetheart Island Stamp04
The first known use of a diamond engagement ring took place in 1477 when Archduke Maximillian of Austria gave Mary of Burgundy a gold ring featuring an M spelled out in diamonds. No one knows, however, if the M stood for Mary or for Maximillian.

Helping Hand levels[]

Helping Hand levels (2022)[]

Helping Hand levels (2024)[]

Special Item Missions[]

# Levels Special Item Image Reward Citizen Character Quote
1 1-10 10 lily of the valley Sweetheart Island SpecialItem01 Orange Brick120,000 Sweetheart Island Citizen01 "Welcome to Sweetheart Island! I so love the scent of Lily of the Valley, I'm "pressed" to bottle more and I dare not dilly-dally!"
2 11-20 10 cocoa beans Sweetheart Island SpecialItem02 Blue Hat150,000 Sweetheart Island Citizen03 "Mais oui, my chocolate is fit for a queen! I wish it was my talent, but it's all in the beans!"
3 21-30 10 pairs of gloves Sweetheart Island SpecialItem03 Pink Gem 180,000 Sweetheart Island Citizen02 "Won't you help me tend the roses on the island of love? That's a task that should fit you like a glove!"
4 31-40 10 diamonds Sweetheart Island SpecialItem04 Orange Brick170,000 Sweetheart Island Citizen04 "Yes, my dear, it's very true that diamonds are my besties, But if other jewels festooned my hands it wouldn't make me testy!"


This track plays while on the city map.

Quotes by Sam[]

  • "It's Valentine's Day on Sweetheart Island!"
  • "Sweetheart Island is a paradise for lovers!"
  • "Welcome to Sweetheart Island!"

